A Small Habit, That's Helped Me Wakeup & Be More Productive! - The House of Routine

A Small Habit, That's Helped Me Wakeup & Be More Productive!

image of small habit to more productive

I will be the first to admit, most mornings I struggle to get out of bed and cringe when I hear people say "I just can't sleep in, in the mornings" what? 

However, this doesn't mean I don't wake up early, once I peel my heavy head from my pillow and get out of bed, start my day earlier I feel great!
Sometimes (most days) I even have a human alarm clock (my 17 month old son), he must take after his mother because he has no problem getting out of bed and telling the world he's up. 

Although I feel best when I am up early, my day flows better, I get more done and I even tend to make better, healthier decisions, I still have my days where I want to keep sleeping.

I want to share a really small but easy thing I did to help me rise in the am and stop wasting time.

I found myself waking up to my phone alarm, okay success I am up but still haven't hit my feet on the ground and got out of the doona!

I am sure what I was doing most people do to! Go straight for your phone and start scrolling, sure I run online businesses and tricked myself into believing I was being "productive" but let's be honest I was just scrolling aimlessly and not getting anything done.

So what have I done?

Roughly 4 months ago, I went to Kmart and got a battery-powered digital alarm clock, I think it cost something like $7, hardly breaking the bank.

I removed my phone charger from the bedroom and now my phone's sleeping place was in my kitchen on silent.

Now I wake to an old school alarm clock with absolutely no distractions (besides a handy large snooze button positioned on the top of the clock) and don't find myself laying in bed scrolling in the mornings!

When I walk into the kitchen I have my routine journal with a bottle of water sitting on the bench prompting me to do this first!

Nothing groundbreaking here, it is more a little habit that I have implemented to help me get more out of my day. 

Do you have anything you implement at night or in the morning to help you be more productive? I'd love to hear it!

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